Enhancing values, we are building the future! is the philosophy of NIRO Investment Group, hence the involvement in the “Ajut eu!” – “I’ll help!” campaign came naturally, according to the principles that guided the entire activity of the company since the beginning.
Yasmin, a big-hearted girl, a person who doesn’t judge and doesn’t complain, who loves and gives without expecting anything in return is the first therapist with Down Syndrome who helps autist children. Yasmin is a model to us all.
Vlăduț is 19 years old and a student at the Mathematics and Informatics Faculty. He wishes to be able to see a specialist doctor, to have sturdy shoes for winter and money to buy books for school.
Răzvan Mogâldea is an exceptional young man who managed to have very good academic results all by himself and dreams about becoming a judge one day.
Ionel Petrea is a winner acting within the social services system, a person who only asks for help just to be able to help others and who dedicates his time to protect children’s education and health. One of his projects is opening the social cafeteria at Margina school, which will be able to feed 20 pupils coming from poor families. He already enlisted the help of the Local Council Timiș for the personnel and equipment costs. He only needed around 6.000 Euro more for the proper functioning of the cafeteria for six months.
NIRO Investment Group said I’ll help! to all of them and encourages them to continue their endeavours and not to be afraid to dream big. We congratulate them and wish their dreams will come true!