The traditional “Magic Winter” concert took place this year on December 21, being organized by Lanto Communication in collaboration with the “Romanian Youth” National Art Center, at the Romanian Athenaeum. The Romanian Youth Orchestra was conducted by Cristian Mandeal, and the Prelude Choir prepared by Voicu Enăchescu also performed in concert. The event was broadcast live on Radio Romania Muzical and TVR 3.

The program of the evening included: Gioacchino Rossini - Overture to Wilhelm Tell, Aram Haciaturian - Adagio from the Spartacus Ballet, Felix Mendelssohn - Bridal March from A Midsummer Night's Dream, P.I. Tchaikovsky - Pax des deux from the ballet The Nutcracker, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - The Spanish Whim, J. S. Bach - Choral from Cantata BWV 147 “Jesu bleibet meine Freunde”, G.F. Handel - Hallelujah from the Messiah Oratorio, Edward Elgar - Nimrod from Enigma Variations, R. Wagner - Prelude to Act 3 from Lohengrin, Giuseppe Verdi - Va pensiero Choir from Nabucco, Giuseppe Verdi - Anvil Choir from Troubadour, Sabin Păutza - Romanian Medley. 

On the occasion of the concert, Casa Radio Publishing House released the albums "Magic Winter" and "Magic Summer". The albums, published in the Radio Romania Musical collection, include a selection of recordings made by cellist Valentin Răduţiu, the Romanian Youth Orchestra, the Romanian National Symphony Orchestra and conductors Cristian Mandeal and Cristian Măcelaru and represent an audio version of the two famous series of musical events. organized under this generic over the years by Lanto Communication and the National Art Center "Romanian Youth", respectively the coordinators of the two cultural bodies, Mr. Dorin Ioniţă and Marin Cazacu.

Regarding the "Magic Winter" concert and the collaboration with Radio Romania, Mr. Dorin Ioniţă, General Manager of Lanto Communication, stated in a recent interview with Radio Romania Music: The day has come when I received a wonderful surprise, a proposal from Casa Radio Publishing House and Radio Romania Musical for the editing of the two discs - Magic Summer and Magic Winter. It was a very pleasant surprise for me. It is an honor to collaborate with the Radio label and with - I can say after more than ten years - Radio Romania Musical. […] It is a collaboration that has always been fruitful and always respectful between Lanto Communication and Radio, for which I thank Casa Radio and those wonderful people there.

Cu ocazia concertului, Editura Casa Radio a lansat albumele „Iarna Magică” şi „Vară Magică”. Albumele, apărute în colecţia Radio România Muzical, cuprind o selecţie de înregistrări realizate de violoncelistul Valentin Răduţiu, Orchestra Română de Tineret, Orchestra Naţională Simfonică a României şi dirijorii Cristian Mandeal şi Cristian Măcelaru şi reprezintă o imagine sonoră a celor două reputate serii de evenimente muzicale organizate sub acest generic de-a lungul anilor de către Lanto Communication şi Centrul Naţional de Artă „Tinerimea Română”, respectiv coordonatorii celor două organisme culturale, domnii Dorin Ioniţă şi Marin Cazacu.

Despre concertul „Iarna Magică“ şi despre colaborarea cu Radio România, domnul Dorin Ioniţă, director general al Lanto Communication, declara, într-un interviu acordat recent postului Radio România Muzical: A venit o zi în care am primit o surpriză superbă, o propunere din partea Editurii Casa Radio şi Radio România Muzical pentru editarea celor două discuri – Vară Magică şi Iarna Magică. Pentru mine a fost o surpriză extrem de plăcută. Este o onoare să colaborez şi cu casa de discuri Radio şi cu – pot să spun după mai bine de zece ani – Radio România Muzical. […] Este o colaborare care s-a dovedit întotdeauna rodnică şi întotdeauna plină de respect între Lanto Communication şi Radio, fapt pentru care mulţumesc Casei Radio şi acelor oameni minunaţi de acolo.

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