Stage and Production Events is an innovative concept of show, music, and video production inspired by the vision, experience, and dedication of artist Damian Drăghici.

The concept includes: record label that discovers young artists, supports their development, produces video and audio content, and represents them in all areas; The Music Academy - music/voice/instrument lessons, coaching sessions with Damian Draghici and other internationally recognized professors, sound engineer workshops, music production and management, ballet, or stage experience; organization of public, private & corporate events. stage management, talent agency services for Romanian and international artists, video/audio production, radio/TV spots, movie and series soundtracks, multimedia shows, video games soundtrack and an online platform - audio library.

Damian Drăghici is a world-renowned artist. He holds a Grammy Award, has recorded 20 albums, has performed on the most prestigious stages, and has collaborated with famous bands and artists such as: London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, and famous names such as film music composer Hans Zimmer, James Brown, Joe Cocker, Cyndi Lauper and Nigel Kennedy.