NIRO Investment Group supported the fourth edition of “ŞI Festival”

From July 20 to 27, the resort of 2 Mai hosted the fourth edition of the ŞI Festival (formerly known as the Şerban Ionescu Theater and Film Festival), themed "And You. And Me. And Together." Over the course of 8 days, tourists and local community members had the opportunity to attend more than 70 free cultural events, organized into five sections: THEATER, FILM, EXPO, CONCERT, and FORUM. This year’s edition brought together over 150 artists of all ages from across the country, creating a vibrant cultural atmosphere.

As a sponsor of this event, NIRO Investment Group has highlighted the success, spirit of unity, and excellence that defined the festival. Our commitment to supporting Romanian cultural initiatives and promoting talented young artists was reaffirmed through this partnership.

The fourth edition of the ŞI Festival inaugurated a new professional theater venue at the 2 Mai School, where five non-competitive performances took place. The festival showcased its first international film, "La Chimera," and included workshops, interdisciplinary dialogues, and an In Memoriam Vladimir Găitan event.

The festival offered a variety of concerts, opening with 7th Boulevard and FiRMA, and closing with a memorable performance by the band AZUR. The competitive section promoted emerging creators through 7 plays and 10 short films, judged by a panel that awarded eight prizes. In addition to the competition, the festival featured an improv comedy match and an outdoor juggling performance. The FILM section included notable films such as "Libertate," "Horia," "Reconstituirea," and the documentary "Nasty."

The EXPO section featured art and photography exhibitions, with new mural works created by Wanda Hutira and Comunitatea 156 in the 2 Mai resort. The FORUM section included discussions with young creators and cultural personalities, while the Cartea pe Roţi caravan, in partnership with Humanitas Bookstores, offered books to visitors.

The theme of the fourth edition, "And You. And Me. And Together," invited participants to explore how art and culture can unite people despite their differences. This year’s events addressed social alienation and loneliness, posing numerous questions and seeking answers through art, culture, and dialogue.

NIRO Investment Group is honored to have supported the "ŞI Festival," celebrating performance and excellence across various arts.