A success story

Our Story

It all started in 1993 as a family business, with a small commercial area comprising 80 Chinese shops. Since then, NIRO Group has grown organically and has turned into one of the most prestigious investment companies in Romania developing innovative projects in complex areas such as:
Hospitality industry
Real estate
Commercial and logistic centres
Guarding and Protection
Publishing House and magazines
With over 500,000 square meters built and over 100 million euros paid to the National State Budget, NIRO Investment Group was declared one of the largest contributors to the state budget.
Over 500,000 square meters built
Total investment: 400 million euros
Real estate asset portfolio: over 500 million euros
ISO 9001: 2008 certified
Over 25 years of cooperation with Chinese companies

Who we are

NIRO Investment Group has grown harmoniously thanks to the diligent people behind it. Every decision, every benchmark, every victory is just the result of the visionary thinking and efforts of a united team, with a well-developed strategy, which has managed to build a strong investment company.
Finalizarea Staţiunii de lux în Maldive
Completing the Maldive Luxury Resort project
Finalizarea Swissôtel Bucharest
Completing the Swissotel Bucharest project
Finalizarea Corinthia Grand Hotel Boulevard Bucharest
Completing the Corinthia Grand Hotel Boulevard project
Redeschidem fabrica CERES Alcohol Trading
We reopen the CERES Alcohol Trading factory
Incepem modernizarea Complexului Comercial Dragonul Rosu
We start the renewal process of the Dragonul Roșu Commercial and Logistic Centre
Investim în compania Ritter Broker de Asigurare şi Reasigurare
We invest into Ritter Broker – an insurance brokerage company
Finalizăm restaurarea hotelului Grand Hotel du Bulevard
We finish the restauration of Grand Hotel du Boulevard
Prind viață Oriental și Casa Design, două spații noi din Zona Comercială Dragonul Roșu
We open two new pavilions in Dragonul Roșu Commercial and Logistic Centre – Dragonul Roșu Oriental and Casa Design
Inaugurăm Complexul Alimentar Crângași, iar în Zona Comercială Dragonul Roșu Pavilioanele 5 și 6 și Lumea Copiilor
We open the Crângași Agro-Food Market and three new pavilions in the Dragonul Roșu Commercial and Logistic Centre - Dragonul 5, Dragonul 6 and Lumea Copiilor
Deschidem Pavilioanele 7 și 8 din Zona Comercială Dragonul Roșu
We open Dragonul 7 and Dragonul 8 – two new pavilions in the Dragonul Roșu Commercial and Logistic Centre
Suntem onorați să primim titlul de „Mare contribuabil la bugetul de stat”, finalizăm proiectul Central Residential Park și inaugurăm Pavilionul 3 din Zona Comercială Dragonul Roșu
We receive the title of “large contributor to the state budget”, finalize the Central Residential Park project and we open a new pavilion in the Dragonul Roșu Commercial and Logistic Centre – Dragonul 3
Finalizăm Herăstrău Office Building și dezvoltăm Zona Comercială Dragonul Roșu cu Pavilionul Mega Shop
We complete the Herăstrău Office Building and open Megashop – a modern pavilion in Dragonul Roșu Commercial and Logistic Centre
Inaugurăm Niro Office Building și dezvoltăm Zona Comercială Dragonul Roșu
We open Niro Office Building and start the development of the Dragonul Roșu Commercial and Logistic Centre
Inaugurăm Zona Comercială Dragonul Roșu, un spațiu de 5.870 mp
We launch the Dragonul Roşu Commercial and Logistic Centre by opening the first pavilion
Începem prima fază de dezvoltare a Târgului Chinezesc Niro
We are starting the first phase of the development of the Niro Chinese Fair
Totul a început în 1993 ca o afacere de familie, cu o mică zonă comercială de 80 de magazine.
It all started in 1993 as a family business, with a small shopping area of 80 stores.
Board Members
Un lider bun e cel care reuşeşte să inspire, să ajute echipa să evolueze continuu şi să adauge valoare acesteia din urmă. Suntem norocoşi să avem o echipă de conducere deosebită, fiecare membru reprezentând o parte importantă din dezvoltarea şi succesul companiei.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
John Smith
Executive Vice Chairman
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
John Smith
Executive Vice Chairman
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
John Smith
Executive Vice Chairman
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
John Smith
Executive Vice Chairman
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
John Smith
Executive Vice Chairman
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
John Smith
Executive Vice Chairman